Sunday, January 1, 2023
A Message from Our Service Coordinators
St. Antonius Church Launches Servants’ Preparation Program
To all our families and church congregation, we wish you a very Happy New Year. We hope that your goals would be reached with love and peace. May God always be present in your life. Have a Happy New Year.
St. Antonius Coptic Orthodox Church joyfully announces the launch of the Servants Preparation Program to start in 2023 for the first time. This program is designed to provide existing and future servants of the church with basic knowledge and fundamental building blocks for service.
This program spans a 2 years commitment. The program requires completion of the course work, completion of projects, participation in online discussions as well as passing a comprehensive examination, which will be offered once per year.
Servants also will need several hours of training and discipleship from experienced servants in the church before being assigned to a service in the church.