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Servants Preparation Program

  • Servants Preparation Program is a 2 years program: SP-Yr1, SP-Yr2 and each year is divided into educational units.

  • Sp-Yr1 Education Units

    • Dogma 101 (4 Topics)​

    • Church History 101 (4 Topics)

    • Comparative Theology Dogma 102 (4 Topics)

    • Spiritual Foundation Spirit 101 ( 4 Topics)

    • Scripture New Testament 101 (3 Topics)

    • Biblical Apologetics App101 (3 Topics) 

    • Cults (2 Topics)

  • Sp-Yr2 Education Units

    • Liturgical Theology 201 (4 Topics)

    • Dogma 2 - Advanced Theology 201 (4 Topics)​

    • Church Father 201 (4 Topics)

    • Spiritual Foundation Spirit 202 (4 Topics)

    • Contemporary Apologetics App 201 (4 Topics)

    • Basis of Coptic Language (3 Topics)


Graduation Requirements

  • Participants have to pass the first year of the program before being admitted to the second year.

  • Only after passing the second year participant can be assigned to a service in the church.

  • Passing grade for any Educational unit is 70%.

  • Education  Unit Grades are calculated based on 30% attendance + 30% participation on the online forums + 40% projects.

  • Participants are allowed 1 unexcused absence for every education unit.

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